Saturday, 16 May 2015

Java's finally block with break and continue

Java's return doesn't always. By using finally clauses, control flow may do very surprising things. Consider this loop:
       for(;;) {           
           try {
              return 1;
           } finally {
       return -1;    
What value does this snippet return? -1. Surprised? How about this little gem:
       while (true) {                
           try {                     
           } finally {               

Sunday, 29 March 2015

what happen when zookeeper not running in solr ?

Nice aritile about when zookeeper fails

how to recover corrupted index of solr?

command to fix the lucene corrupted index

java -ea:org.apache.lucene... org.apache.lucene.index.CheckIndex INDEX_PATH -fix


java -cp lucene-core-2.9.3.jar -ea:org.apache.lucene... org.apache.lucene.index.CheckIndex E:\\Solr\\solr\\data\\index\\ -fix

CheckIndex for the rescue

While using Lucene and Solr we are used to a very high reliability of this products. However, there may come the day when Solr will inform us that our index is corrupted, and we need to do something about it. Is the only way to repair the index is to restore it from the backup or do full indexation ? Not only – there is hope in the form of CheckIndex tool.

What is CheckIndex ?

CheckIndex is a tool available in the Lucene library, which allows you to check the files and create new segments that do not contain problematic entries. This means that this tool, with little loss of data is able to repair a broken index, and thus save us from having to restore the index from the backup (of course if we have it) or do the full indexing of all documents that were stored in Solr.

original ariticle

Return type of compareTo() and compare() in java

Comparator interface in Java has method public int compare (Object o1, Object o2) which returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second. While Comparable interface has method public int compareTo(Object o) which returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.

Java is Pass-by-Value or Pass-by-Reference ?

The Java Spec says that everything in Java is pass-by-value. There is no such thing as "pass-by-reference" in Java.
The key to understanding this is that something like
Dog myDog;
is not a Dog; it's actually a pointer to a Dog.
What that means, is when you have
Dog myDog = new Dog("Rover");
you're essentially passing the address of the created Dog object to the foo method.
(I say essentially because Java pointers aren't direct addresses, but it's easiest to think of them that way)
Suppose the Dog object resides at memory address 42. This means we pass 42 to the method.
if the Method were defined as
public void foo(Dog someDog) {
    someDog.setName("Max");     // AAA
    someDog = new Dog("Fifi");  // BBB
    someDog.setName("Rowlf");   // CCC
let's look at what's happening.
  • the parameter someDog is set to the value 42
  • at line "AAA"
    • someDog is followed to the Dog it points to (the Dog object at address 42)
    • that Dog (the one at address 42) is asked to change his name to Max
  • at line "BBB"
    • a new Dog is created. Let's say he's at address 74
    • we assign the parameter someDog to 74
  • at line "CCC"
    • someDog is followed to the Dog it points to (the Dog object at address 74)
    • that Dog (the one at address 74) is asked to change his name to Rowlf
  • then, we return
Now let's think about what happens outside the method:
Did myDog change?
There's the key.
Keeping in mind that myDog is a pointer, and not an actual Dog, the answer is NO. myDog still has the value 42; it's still pointing to the original Dog.
It's perfectly valid to follow an address and change what's at the end of it; that does not change the variable, however.
Java works exactly like C. You can assign a pointer, pass the pointer to a method, follow the pointer in the method and change the data that was pointed to. However, you cannot change where that pointer points.
In C++, Ada, Pascal and other languages that support pass-by-reference, you can actually change the variable that was passed.
If Java had pass-by-reference semantics, the foo method we defined above would have changed where myDog was pointing when it assigned someDog on line BBB.
Think of reference parameters as being aliases for the variable passed in. When that alias is assigned, so is the variable that was passed in.
Does that help? (I'll have to add this as an addendum to my article...)

for Original ariticle.
some of nice discussion on stackoverflow 

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Serialization of Enum in java

Enum constants are serialized differently than ordinary serializable or externalizable objects. The serialized form of an enum constant consists solely of its name; field values of the constant are not present in the form. To serialize an enum constant, ObjectOutputStream writes the value returned by the enum constant's name method. To deserialize an enum constant, ObjectInputStream reads the constant name from the stream; the deserialized constant is then obtained by calling the java.lang.Enum.valueOf method, passing the constant's enum type along with the received constant name as arguments. Like other serializable or externalizable objects, enum constants can function as the targets of back references appearing subsequently in the serialization stream.The process by which enum constants are serialized cannot be customized: any class-specific writeObjectreadObjectreadObjectNoDatawriteReplace, and readResolve methods defined by enum types are ignored during serialization and deserialization. Similarly, any serialPersistentFields or serialVersionUID field declarations are also ignored--all enum types have a fixed serialVersionUID of 0L. Documenting serializable fields and data for enum types is unnecessary, since there is no variation in the type of data sent.
Main ariticle can be found in click here
other resource 

Saturday, 31 January 2015

Maven Tutorial 09 - Creating a Maven Project in Eclipse

Maven Tutorial 08 - Eclipse Plugin for Maven and Maven Plugin for Eclipse

Invoking One Constructor from Another using this

 Invoking One Constructor from Another

There is a specialized use of the this keyword that arises when a class has multiple constructors; it can be used from a constructor to invoke one of the other constructors of the same class. In other words, we can rewrite the two previous Circleconstructors as follows:
// This is the basic constructor: initialize the radius
public Circle(double r) { this.r = r; }
// This constructor uses this() to invoke the constructor above
public Circle() { this(1.0); }
The this() syntax is a method invocation that calls one of the other constructors of the class. The particular constructor that is invoked is determined by the number and type of arguments, of course. This is a useful technique when a number of constructors share a significant amount of initialization code, as it avoids repetition of that code. This would be a more impressive example, of course, if the one-parameter version of the Circle() constructor did more initialization than it does.
There is an important restriction on using this(): it can appear only as the first statement in a constructor. It may, of course, be followed by any additional initialization a particular version of the constructor needs to do. The reason for this restriction involves the automatic invocation of superclass constructor methods, which we'll explore later in this chapter.

Friday, 30 January 2015

why java anonymous class variable declared final?

when an object of the anonymous class is instantiated, copies of the final local variables and method parameters referred to by the object's methods are stored as instance variables in the object.

The methods in the object of the anonymous class really access those hidden instance variables.

Thus, the local variables and method parameters accessed by the methods of the local class must be declared final to prevent their values from changing after the object is instantiated.

Saturday, 3 January 2015

what is DispatcherServlet, RequestContextListener and RequestContextFilter in spring?

If you access scoped beans within Spring Web MVC, in effect, within a request that is processed by the Spring DispatcherServlet, or DispatcherPortlet, then no special setup is necessary: DispatcherServlet and DispatcherPortlet already expose all relevant state.
If you use a Servlet 2.4+ web container, with requests processed outside of Spring's DispatcherServlet (for example, when using JSF or Struts), you need to add the following javax.servlet.ServletRequestListener to the declarations in your web applications web.xml file:
If you use an older web container (Servlet 2.3), use the provided javax.servlet.Filter implementation. The following snippet of XML configuration must be included in the web.xml file of your web application if you want to access web-scoped beans in requests outside of Spring's DispatcherServlet on a Servlet 2.3 container. (The filter mapping depends on the surrounding web application configuration, so you must change it as appropriate.)
NOTE:DispatcherServlet, RequestContextListener and RequestContextFilter all do exactly the same thing, namely bind the HTTP request object to the Thread that is servicing that request. This makes beans that are request- and session-scoped available further down the call chain.